ebXML Forum News

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ebXML and AS/2 Integration Broker released in Webswell V2.0.1

Webswell Inc has announced their release of their latest broker technology incorporating the new Hermes V2 ebXML and AS/2 enabled server.

The Webswell Connect integration tool is made available under Gnu Public License (GPL). It includes Hermes 2 ebxml and AS2 message service handler, dispatcher and ebXML Registry/Repository version 3.0 (OMAR).

As always it includes an installer based on IzPack and all needed supporting software components pre-packaged - (such as Tomcat and PostgreSQL database).

The broker services enabled using Webswell provide a comprehensive feature list to allow management and configuration of XML interchanges with your trading partners.

The current release has completed testing on various linux platforms and Windows testing is proceeding.

The package is available from:


More information is available from the Webswell company site.


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