ebXML Forum News

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

NIH/OD releases upgraded S2Sclient for Grants Submissions interfacing via ebXML

The new S2Sclient B2B appliance for support of Electronic Submission of Grant Applications released by the NIH Office of Extramural Research includes significant enhancements and improvements. Based on the popular Hermes v1.1 implementation of ebMS - the new S2Sclient supports Tomcat v5 and also Java 1.5+ and a dramatically smaller footprint and enhanced performance.

NIH/OD have also revamped the System-to-System webpage on their eSubmission website to clearly delineate the system-to-system testing with Grants.gov from the web services that NIH offers.

The webpage has been divided into three main sections:

- System-to-System Testing

- NIH Web Services
o The NIH web services has accompanying diagrams to illustrate the service flow
o Under Technical Documentation, these two documents have been updated:
o The NIH S2S Client Installation Guide
o The S2S Developer Guide

- Resources and Responsibilities, including FAQs, responsibilities of System-to-System Trading Partners and Support.

Check out the new website at: http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/system.htm

and the S2Sclient toolset at: http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/system_webserv_access.htm


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