ebXML Forum News

Friday, September 23, 2005

ebXML Adequate for SOA

UDDI inadequate for SOA, Friday 23rd September 2005,
Written By: Peter Abrahams, Copyright © 2005 Bloor Research

Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is the registry standard from the Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and is well supported by IBM, Microsoft and others. The intent is that it should be used to register web services and, as its name implies, the registration will create a standard description, which will enable services to be discovered and then integrated together. There is no doubt that such a service is necessary to support a System Orientated Architecture (SOA) and early implementations have used UDDI to good effect.

The problem is that the standard does not appear to be sufficiently broad to support the management and governance of the full range of artefacts needed to implement SOA. This is the argument put forward by the ebXML (electronic business using eXtensible Markup Language) technical committee, which has developed a series of OASIS standards.

The initial concern of the ebXML committee was defining standard message formats for electronic business (for example defining the standard parts of an invoice). As part of this standards effort it was obvious that the different artefacts needed to be registered; that is, there needed to be a place where you could discover that an invoice had been defined. But registration alone was not enough, it was also necessary to have somewhere to store the definition – commonly known as a repository. The committee recognised that if the whole lifecycle of an artefact was to be managed then the registry and the repository had to be joined at the hip. If they were not, it would be possible for a change to an artefact (for example, the addition of new field types in the invoice) to be implemented without the registry being aware.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ebXML registry suited for SOA complexities

The latest article by Colleen Frye, SearchWebServices.com, focuses on registries and their use in SOA.

Farrukh Najmi, original Author and Member, ebXML Registry Specification remarks "We're seeing an increasing recognition that a lightweight registry is not practical for the rising complexity of SOA deployments." Najmi is also a federated information management architect at Sun Microsystems.

Carl Mattocks, consultant and project leader, asset inventory process improvement for Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. in Bridgewater, N.J., and a member of the ebXML Registry technical committee notes the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) initiative, the Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have used ebXML registries to fulfil this need.

Read more in the article.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

OASIS Webinar on ebXML Registry

In recognition of the worldwide interest in ebXML, this webinar is being offered at two different times:

7:00 AM Paris, 1:00 PM Hong Kong, 3:00 PM Sydney(Wed, 14 Sept 2005 10:00 PM San Francisco)and11:00 AM New York, 8:00 AM San Francisco, 5:00 PM Paris

Sign-up and details from:


Discover the advantages of the new ebXML Registry v3.0 OASIS Standard from the people who developed it. The OASIS ebXML Registry Technical Committee invites you to attend an open webinar event to learn more about how ebXML Registry enables secure, federated information management within and across enterprises.


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