ebXML Forum News

Sunday, October 21, 2007

New ebMS v3.0 provides service harmonization for SOA message transport layer and B2B

OASIS, the international open standards consortium, announced October 16th that its members have approved ebXML Messaging Services (ebMS) version 3.0 as an OASIS Standard.

The V3.0 specification provides a raft of new features that enable extended B2B interchanges and support for SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) message transport layer services.

Included in this is support for profiles called pModes that allow 
templates of interchange patterns to be defined and used by 
interchange participants.

Additionally V3.0 now includes capability to use WS-Security, WS-Reliability, and the WS-ReliableMessaging OASIS Standards with ebMS.

"It has become critical for all partners - in particular small and medium size enterprises- of a supply chain to be able to handle differences in message flow capacity, intermittent connectivity, lack of static IP addresses, and firewall restrictions. ebMS 3.0 was designed to address all these requirements,"  explained Ian Jones of British Telecommunications plc, chair of the OASIS ebMS Technical Committee.

Also - ebMS V3.0 fully supports the SOA approach of neutral transport services - by enabling versatile exchanges that handle XML and legacy electronic business systems that use traditional syntaxes, such as EDI, ASC X12, or HL7.

The ability to support context and pluggable data service layer components further enhances the SOA capabilities.

Additionally ebMS V3.0 can be used with business process technology including OASIS ebXML BPSS V2.0.4 and OASIS BPEL systems.

Several industry domains have declared their support for the new ebMS V3.0 including AIAG automotive group and the HL7 healthcare standards community.

Particularly important for these communities is allowing smaller customers to securely engage in ebXML business-quality messaging without needing a 24-by-7 Web server.   The new push-pull capabilities allow loosely coupled interchanges with 
remote partners without needing fulltime connectivity. Payload shipment can also
be done as a series of small interchanges which permits use of cheaper
limited bandwidth communications.

"We feel these enhancements will increase its adoption and are pleased to have participated in the endeavor," said Dave Bennett, CTO at Axway.

Full technical details of the new specification are available from the http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-msg website.


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