ebXML Forum News

Saturday, July 31, 2010

X509 Public Key Extract Utility released to open source

Axway have made available under an open source (Apache 2.0) license a utility to extract public key information from an X509 certificate. The utility builds an XML KeyInfo element as defined by http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig# .


This utility is of interest to anyone involved in managing ebXML CPAs that use certificates for signing or encryption. This utility is used by the JustId open source CPA toolkit.

ebXML messaging CPA toolkit released as open source.

The Justitiƫle Informatiedienst in Almelo, the Netherlands, has released the toolkit that it developed to support management of ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreements (CPAs) under an open source (EUPL) license. The toolkit, and previous versions of it, have been used to create and manage the CPAs for organizations in various government sectors in the Netherlands. Hundreds of millions of ebXML messages have been exchanged based on CPAs created using the toolkit.

The download package (ZIP) contains some English documentation, while some documentation is in Dutch only at the moment.

OSOR project description:

The CPA Creation Toolkit is a web-based application to easily create a Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA). A CPA document is an XML based document that describes the formal relationship between two parties, specifying an ebMS trading agreement between trading partners. The following information will typically be contained in a CPA document: 
  • Identification information: the unique identifiers for each party and their roles within the trading relationship
  • Security information: for instance, are digital signatures required, and what algorithms do they use
  • Communication information: the protocols that will be used when exchanging documents
  • Endpoint locations: the URL, service and action messages should be sent to
  • Rules to follow when acknowledgments are not received for messages, including how long to wait before resending, and how many times to resend
  • Whether duplicate messages should be ignored
  • Whether acknowledgments are required for all messages.

Version 4.0 of the CPA Creation Toolkit features:  
  • CPA creation
  • CPA, Services and Participants Repository
  • ebBP specification import/transformation to Simple Message Format (SMF)
  • Excel import/transformation to Simple Message Format (SMF)
  • Transform certficates to XMLDSig KeyInfo
  • Generate Message Meta Data (MMD) files
  • Adjust CPA for SSL-offloading
  • XML Schema Definition (XSD) of services and participants
  • Documentation, examples, templates.

Download link is:


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Latest ebMS V3 Part 2 Schema for 15 day public review

The OASIS ebXML Messaging committee has published its latest committee draft for review package.

The package is available here:


This includes notes on the new components added to message header and feature set supported.

Comments can be sent to the technical committee via the comments list or directly to the committee chair.


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